我们进行了一系列的测试来衡量SQLite 2.7.6、PostgreSQL 7.1.3和MySQL 3.23.41的相对性能。以下是从这些实验中得出的一般结论:
SQLite 2.7.6比RedHat 7.2上默认安装的PostgreSQL 7.1.3在大多数常用操作上要快得多(有时快10或20倍)。
在大多数常见操作中,SQLite 2.7.6通常比MySQL 3.23.41快(有时快两倍以上)。
SQLite执行CREATE INDEX或DROP TABLE的速度不如其他数据库。但影响不大,因为这些都是不常见操作。
用于这些测试的平台是一台1.6GHz的Athlon,有1GB的内存和一个IDE磁盘驱动器。操作系统是RedHat Linux 7.2,stock内核。
使用的PostgreSQL和MySQL服务器是RedHat 7.2上默认提供的(PostgreSQL版本7.1.3和MySQL版本3.23.41)。特别注意的是,RedHat 7.2上的默认MySQL配置不支持事务。不支持事务给了MySQL很大的速度优势,但SQLite在大多数测试中仍然能够领先。
RedHat 7.3中的默认PostgreSQL配置太保守(它是为在8MB内存的机器上工作而设计的),通过配置调整,可以使PostgreSQL运行得快得多。Matt Sergeant报告说,他已经调整了他的PostgreSQL安装,结果显示,PostgreSQL和MySQL的运行速度基本相同。他对SQLite进行了测试,其配置与网站上出现的相同。它是用-O6优化和-DNDEBUG=1开关编译的,该开关禁用了SQLite代码中的许多 "assert() "语句。-DNDEBUG=1编译器选项使SQLite的速度大约提高了一倍。
CREATE TABLE t1(a INTEGER, b INTEGER, c VARCHAR(100));INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,13153,"thirteen thousand one hundred fifty three");INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(2,75560,"seventy five thousand five hundred sixty");... 995 lines omittedINSERT INTO t1 VALUES(998,66289,"sixty six thousand two hundred eighty nine");INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(999,24322,"twenty four thousand three hundred twenty two");INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1000,94142,"ninety four thousand one hundred forty two");
| PostgreSQL: | 4.373 || ---------------------- | ------ || MySQL: | 0.114 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 13.061 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 0.223 |
BEGIN;CREATE TABLE t2(a INTEGER, b INTEGER, c VARCHAR(100));INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(1,59672,"fifty nine thousand six hundred seventy two");... 24997 lines omittedINSERT INTO t2 VALUES(24999,89569,"eighty nine thousand five hundred sixty nine");INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(25000,94666,"ninety four thousand six hundred sixty six");COMMIT;
| PostgreSQL: | 4.900 || ---------------------- | ----- || MySQL: | 2.184 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 0.914 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 0.757 |
BEGIN;CREATE TABLE t3(a INTEGER, b INTEGER, c VARCHAR(100));CREATE INDEX i3 ON t3(c);... 24998 lines omittedINSERT INTO t3 VALUES(24999,88509,"eighty eight thousand five hundred nine");INSERT INTO t3 VALUES(25000,84791,"eighty four thousand seven hundred ninety one");COMMIT;
| PostgreSQL: | 8.175 || ---------------------- | ----- || MySQL: | 3.197 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 1.555 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 1.402 |
BEGIN;SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE b>=0 AND b<1000;SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE b>=100 AND b<1100;... 96 lines omittedSELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE b>=9800 AND b<10800;SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE b>=9900 AND b<10900;COMMIT;
| PostgreSQL: | 3.629 || ---------------------- | ----- || MySQL: | 2.760 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 2.494 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 2.526 |
BEGIN;SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE c LIKE "%one%";SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE c LIKE "%two%";... 96 lines omittedSELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE c LIKE "%ninety nine%";SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE c LIKE "%one hundred%";COMMIT;
| PostgreSQL: | 13.409 || ---------------------- | ------ || MySQL: | 4.640 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 3.362 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 3.372 |
CREATE INDEX i2a ON t2(a);CREATE INDEX i2b ON t2(b);
| PostgreSQL: | 0.381 || ---------------------- | ----- || MySQL: | 0.318 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 0.777 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 0.659 |
SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE b>=0 AND b<100;SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE b>=100 AND b<200;SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE b>=200 AND b<300;... 4994 lines omittedSELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE b>=499700 AND b<499800;SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE b>=499800 AND b<499900;SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE b>=499900 AND b<500000;
| PostgreSQL: | 4.614 || ---------------------- | ----- || MySQL: | 1.270 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 1.121 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 1.162 |
BEGIN;UPDATE t1 SET b=b*2 WHERE a>=0 AND a<10;UPDATE t1 SET b=b*2 WHERE a>=10 AND a<20;... 996 lines omittedUPDATE t1 SET b=b*2 WHERE a>=9980 AND a<9990;UPDATE t1 SET b=b*2 WHERE a>=9990 AND a<10000;COMMIT;
| PostgreSQL: | 1.739 || ---------------------- | ----- || MySQL: | 8.410 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 0.637 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 0.638 |
BEGIN;UPDATE t2 SET b=468026 WHERE a=1;UPDATE t2 SET b=121928 WHERE a=2;... 24996 lines omittedUPDATE t2 SET b=35065 WHERE a=24999;UPDATE t2 SET b=347393 WHERE a=25000;COMMIT;
| PostgreSQL: | 18.797 || ---------------------- | ------ || MySQL: | 8.134 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 3.520 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 3.104 |
BEGIN;UPDATE t2 SET c="one hundred forty eight thousand three hundred eighty two" WHERE a=1;UPDATE t2 SET c="three hundred sixty six thousand five hundred two" WHERE a=2;... 24996 lines omittedUPDATE t2 SET c="three hundred eighty three thousand ninety nine" WHERE a=24999;UPDATE t2 SET c="two hundred fifty six thousand eight hundred thirty" WHERE a=25000;COMMIT;
| PostgreSQL: | 48.133 || ---------------------- | ------ || MySQL: | 6.982 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 2.408 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 1.725 |
| PostgreSQL: | 61.364 || ---------------------- | ------ || MySQL: | 1.537 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 2.787 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 1.599 |
DELETE FROM t2 WHERE c LIKE "%fifty%";
| PostgreSQL: | 1.509 || ---------------------- | ----- || MySQL: | 0.975 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 4.004 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 0.560 |
DELETE FROM t2 WHERE a>10 AND a<20000;
| PostgreSQL: | 1.316 || ---------------------- | ----- || MySQL: | 2.262 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 2.068 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 0.752 |
| PostgreSQL: | 13.168 || ---------------------- | ------ || MySQL: | 1.815 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 3.210 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 1.485 |
BEGIN;DELETE FROM t1;INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1,10719,"ten thousand seven hundred nineteen");... 11997 lines omittedINSERT INTO t1 VALUES(11999,72836,"seventy two thousand eight hundred thirty six");INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(12000,64231,"sixty four thousand two hundred thirty one");COMMIT;
| PostgreSQL: | 4.556 || ---------------------- | ----- || MySQL: | 1.704 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 0.618 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 0.406 |
| PostgreSQL: | 0.135 || ---------------------- | ----- || MySQL: | 0.015 || SQLite 2.7.6: | 0.939 || SQLite 2.7.6 (nosync): | 0.254 |
以下代码使用python调用sqlite库实现测试,同时将sql导出为sql文件,以方便命令行执行。后续需要支持调用我司DB的python API。代码最新版本存放在
import randomimport timefrom num2word import wordimport sqlite3def open_database(): db = "pydb.db" conn = sqlite3.connect(db) return conndef get_conn_and_cursor(name, sql=""): print("*"*20, name) conn = open_database() cursor = conn.cursor() if sql: cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit(); return conn, cursordef list2file(lists, filename): f = open(filename, "w") for item in lists: f.write(item + "\n") f.close() def insert_1000(): sqls = [] sql = """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1;""" sqls.append(sql) conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 1: 1000 INSERTs", sql) t1 = time.time() sql = """ CREATE TABLE t1(a INTEGER, b INTEGER, c VARCHAR(100));""" cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() for i in range(1, 1001): num = random.randint(1, 100000000) num_str = word(num).lower() sql = """INSERT INTO t1 VALUES({}, {},"{}");""".format(i, num, num_str) cursor.execute(sql) sqls.append(sql) conn.commit() print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) list2file(sqls, "1.sql") conn.close() def insert_25000_transaction(): sqls = [] sql = """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t2;""" sqls.append(sql) conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 2: 25000 INSERTs in a transaction", sql) t1 = time.time() cursor.execute("BEGIN") sqls.append("BEGIN;") sql = """ CREATE TABLE t2(a INTEGER, b INTEGER, c VARCHAR(100));""" sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) for i in range(1, 25001): num = random.randint(1, 100000000) num_str = word(num).lower() sql = """INSERT INTO t2 VALUES({}, {},"{}");""".format(i, num, num_str) sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() sqls.append("COMMIT;") print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "2.sql") def insert_25000_transaction_index(): sqls = [] sql = """DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t3;""" sqls.append(sql) conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 3: 25000 INSERTs into an indexed table", sql) t1 = time.time() cursor.execute("BEGIN") sqls.append("BEGIN;") sql = """ CREATE TABLE t3(a INTEGER, b INTEGER, c VARCHAR(100));""" sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) sql = """CREATE INDEX i3 ON t3(c);""" sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) for i in range(1, 25001): num = random.randint(1, 100000000) num_str = word(num).lower() sql = """INSERT INTO t1 VALUES({}, {},"{}");""".format(i, num, num_str) sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() sqls.append("COMMIT;") print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "3.sql") def select_100_without_index(): sqls = [] conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 4: 100 SELECTs without an index") t1 = time.time() cursor.execute("BEGIN") sqls.append("BEGIN;") for i in range(100): sql = """SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE b>={} AND b<{};""".format(i*100, i*100+1000) sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() sqls.append("COMMIT;") print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "4.sql") def select_100_comparison(): sqls = [] conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 5: 100 SELECTs on a string comparison") t1 = time.time() cursor.execute("BEGIN") sqls.append("BEGIN;") for i in range(1,101): sql = """SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE c LIKE "%{}%";""".format(word(i).lower()) sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() sqls.append("COMMIT;") print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "5.sql") def create_index(): sqls = [] conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 6: Creating an index") t1 = time.time() sql = """ CREATE INDEX i2a ON t2(a);""" sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() sql = """ CREATE INDEX i2b ON t2(b); """ sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "6.sql") def select_5000_with_index(): sqls = [] conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 7: 5000 SELECTs with an index") t1 = time.time() for i in range(5000): sql = """SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t2 WHERE b>={} AND b<{};""".format(i*100, i*100+100) sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "7.sql")def update_1000_without_index(): sqls = [] conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 8: 1000 UPDATEs without an index") t1 = time.time() cursor.execute("BEGIN") sqls.append("BEGIN;") for i in range(1000): sql = """UPDATE t1 SET b=b*2 WHERE a>={} AND a<{};""".format(i*10, i*10+10) sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() sqls.append("COMMIT;") print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "8.sql") def update_25000_with_index(): sqls = [] conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 9: 25000 UPDATEs with an index") t1 = time.time() cursor.execute("BEGIN") sqls.append("BEGIN;") for i in range(25000): sql = """UPDATE t2 SET b={} WHERE a={};""".format(random.randint(1, 100000000), i+1) sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() sqls.append("COMMIT;") print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "9.sql") def update_25000_text_with_index(): sqls = [] conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 10: 25000 text UPDATEs with an index") t1 = time.time() cursor.execute("BEGIN") sqls.append("BEGIN;") for i in range(25000): sql = """UPDATE t2 SET c="{}" WHERE a={};""".format(word(random.randint(1, 100000000)).lower(), i+1) cursor.execute(sql) sqls.append(sql) conn.commit() sqls.append("COMMIT;") print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "10.sql")def insert_from_select(): sqls = [] conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 11: INSERTs from a SELECT") t1 = time.time() cursor.execute("BEGIN") sqls.append("BEGIN;") sql = """INSERT INTO t1 SELECT b,a,c FROM t2;""" sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) sql = """INSERT INTO t2 SELECT b,a,c FROM t1;""" sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() sqls.append("COMMIT;") print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "11.sql") def del_without_index(): sqls = [] conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 12: DELETE without an index") t1 = time.time() sql = """DELETE FROM t2 WHERE c LIKE "%fifty%"; """ sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "12.sql") def del_with_index(): sqls = [] conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 13: DELETE with an index") t1 = time.time() sql = """DELETE FROM t2 WHERE a>10 AND a<20000; """ sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "13.sql") def big_insert_after_big_del(): sqls = [] conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 14: A big INSERT after a big DELETE") t1 = time.time() cursor.execute("BEGIN") sqls.append("BEGIN;") sql = """DELETE FROM t2;""" sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) sql = """INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM t1; """ sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() sqls.append("COMMIT;") print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "14.sql")def small_insert_after_big_del(): sqls = [] conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 15: A big DELETE followed by many small INSERTs") t1 = time.time() cursor.execute("BEGIN") sqls.append("BEGIN;") sql = """DELETE FROM t1;""" sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) for i in range(1, 12001): num = random.randint(1, 100000000) num_str = word(num).lower() sql = """INSERT INTO t1 VALUES({}, {},"{}");""".format(i, num, num_str) sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() sqls.append("COMMIT;") print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "15.sql") def drop_table(): sqls = [] conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor("Test 16: DROP TABLE") t1 = time.time() cursor.execute("BEGIN") sqls.append("BEGIN;") sql = """DROP TABLE t1;""" sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() sql = """DROP TABLE t2;""" sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() sql = """DROP TABLE t3;""" sqls.append(sql) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() print("*"*10, time.time()-t1) conn.close() list2file(sqls, "16.sql") insert_1000()insert_25000_transaction()insert_25000_transaction_index()select_100_without_index()select_100_comparison()create_index()select_5000_with_index()update_1000_without_index()update_25000_with_index()update_25000_text_with_index()insert_from_select()del_without_index()del_with_index()big_insert_after_big_del()small_insert_after_big_del()drop_table()